In Internet there are so many bugs which affects your devices amd make it worse. Heartbleed is a ever known dangerous bug in android devices. Most of the android devices may affect with heartbleed bug. It belongs to open SSL ( Secure Sockets Layer ). Actually It protects you and make the data secure.Heartbleed bug allows Intruder to access your sensitive data and causes severe damage. If you are still using failed open SSL your device or router is vunerable to heartbleed bug, still some enterprises are using failed open SSL to secure their outcome.
You may think that what is open SSL? I will explain it simply. It has excellent software which uses good cryptography to secure private data online. It is an open source which Implements Secured Socket Layer and Transport Layer Protocols. I think now you understand about heartbleed bug clearly.
How To Check Your Android Device Is Vunerable or Not ?
- As per the survey of google million of android devices are vunerable to heartbleed bug.
- To check your android device is vunerable or not use heartbleed detector released by "Lookout".
- Lookout is a security app It can trace lost android phone. If you want to learn how to trace lost android mobile through apps click here
Logout From Affected Applications :
- If your device is affected with heartbleed nothing to do, you have only one choice that is check out for updates regularly.
- Checkout from the affected apps and login after sometime, because when you logout old security tokens are replaced with new ones, which makes you safe.
Change Your Passwords :
- Change all passwords with new unique password, It means for every account you should create unique password. It doesn't match with other account passwords.
- Password should be 9 characters or more for better security.
- While creating password use both upper case and lower case letters ( symbols, numbers etc..)
- If websites are already vunerable to this bug better to don't access the site.
Use 2 Step Verification: There are some websites providing two step verification like gmail, facebook, yahoo mail, dropbox etc.. If you want to activate two step verification on Facebook Click here
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